All learning modules

Support for the professional project


Help the auditors to build their professional project. The workshops organised as part of the module will help to optimise the CV of each auditor and to stimulate reflection on their skills in relation to their projects

Contenu du module

  • Group work
  • Individual work
  • Filmed individual skills interviews
  • CV-Book

Méthodes d'enseignement et d'apprentissage

20h in total

Modalités d'évaluation


Compétences visées

  • To analyse one's professional and extra-professional background and experience
  • Explore and identify personal and professional skills, their relationship to work and their desire to develop
  • Develop a professional project by comparing it with the realities of the environment
  • Build an action plan specifying the actions to be implemented


VENDÉ Jérémy
Responsable du MS FNS-MI
jeremy.vende @

Head of Integration Project, AgroParisTech Palaiseau
monira.zennadi @

Additional Info

  • Training delivering this course: SM FNS-MI
  • Field of study: Tools & Personnal development
  • Learning place(s): Palaiseau
  • Requirements:


  • Calendar-Duration:

    Module of 20H spread over the training year; ½ day sessions interspersed during this period.

  • Keywords:

    professional project; interviews; profile tests; skills assessment

UFR G-ENV — AgroParisTech

Montpellier campus
648 rue Jean-François Breton
BP 44494
34093 Montpellier Cedex 5