Specialized Master "Public Policies and Strategies for the Environment" (SpM PPSE)
Become an expert in analysis and management of strategic environmental action
The environment is a field where public action is structuring, whether it is through the framework of standards, the obligation to prevent damage, the study of effects or the associated public services (water or waste for example). The SpM PPSE provides expertise in the world of the environment and the strategic skills needed to become expert in analysis and management of strategic environmental action.

Practical informations
Applications for the SpM PPSE 2023-2024 are closed
Registration fees and charges
The registration fees for 2023/2024 are divided as follows according to the financing status
- Employee or self-employed with training costs covered by a public or private funder: 10 000 euros
- Jobseeker with full coverage of training costs by a third party: 9 000 euros
- Other statuses: 8 000 euros
They include travel expenses during the training (field trips, modules and projects) and the cost of the training as a whole.
Teaching languages
French almost exclusively.
Selection process
The selection process begins with an examination of the application by the eligibility panel.
A Master's degree, or an engineering degree, or a degree from a business school is required, or, failing that, an M1 followed by three years of professional experience.
If the candidate is declared eligible, he/she is invited to an admission interview with a jury composed of members of the SpM PPSE teaching team. This interview takes place in Paris or, if the candidate is far away, by audiovisual means. Final admissions are decided by the jury on several occasions between April and July.
Applicants for external funding must submit their application to the SpM PPSE early enough to allow the jury to make a decision within a timeframe compatible with the deadlines of their application for external funding.
All the teaching modules take place in Paris, at the AgroParisTech Campus, 19 avenue du Maine, corresponding to approximately 100 days of training at the centre and 33 days of projects and field studies.
To find out about other AgroParisTech Specialized Masters courses
Visit the page of AgroParisTech Specialized Masters.
Background and aims
Core training and skills
Target groups
Course organisation
Employment opportunities
Academic informations
Dr. Armelle CARONCoordinator of the SpM PPSE
armelle.caron @ agroparistech.fr
Dr. Stéphane GRIVEL
Research engineer
stephane.grivel@ agroparistech.fr
Administrative informations
Anne-Céline ROUILLONCourse assistant of the SpM PPSE
anne-céline.rouillon @ agroparistech.fr
Program Content
- MS PPSE description (in French)