Tropical timber

Course objectives

Timber extraction is the major driver of forest exploitation. An understanding of the properties of timber is an essential prerequisite for wood usage. The objective of the course is to provide basic scientific knowledge in the field of tropical timber (properties, structure, process of transformation) and associated industries.

Course contents

  • General characteristics of timber: structure, implementation and physical and mechanical properties.
  • Wood transformation technologies: tropical timber products, wood processing, pulp and paper production.
  • Timber quality: interspecies diversity, problems related to plantations.
  • Economics of the timber industry.

Teaching and learning methods

  • Lectures (18h).
  • Site visit to the CIRAD Wood Technology Laboratory (Montpellier) and the tropical timber port and industries of Sète (6h).

Course evaluation

Individual written test.

Target skills

Understanding of the technology, the uses of tropical timber and its industry, contact experience and exchange with local industrial partners.


UFR G-ENV — AgroParisTech

Montpellier campus
648 rue Jean-François Breton
BP 44494
34093 Montpellier Cedex 5