Welcome to the GEEFT website


The training and research group for the Environmental Management of Ecosystems and Tropical Forests ; GEEFT was previously known as the Rural and Tropical Forestry Department (Departement Foresterie Rurale et Tropicale).

In January 2007 it became part of AgroParisTech (Paris Institute of Technology for Life, Food, and Environmental Sciences). The training and research group was formed in 1980.

Since then it has trained more than 700 managers qualified in tropical forestry and the management of tropical forestry ecosystems. The permanent team is based in Montpellier, and includes three researcher/professors, an engineer, and two assistants. Several Doctorate Professors are integrated as consultants, and the group has a solid network of partner institutions.

Three course contents are proposed (see also section inscriptions, scholarships).

Master (second year) : Environmental Management of Ecosystems and Tropical Forests / Rural and tropical Forestry.

Post Master : Forests, Nature, and Society (tropical option).

Doctorate : Doctorate thesis.

The group is also developing important research programs with various institutional partners.

The group is attached to the Economic, Social and Management Sciences division of Agroparistech, the training and research division of Economy, Management, and Public Politics.

UFR G-ENV — AgroParisTech

Montpellier campus
648 rue Jean-François Breton
BP 44494
34093 Montpellier Cedex 5