
Dr Coralie CALVET

Dr Coralie CALVET


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  • Agronomic engineer
  • PhD in Ecological Economics

Current position

Academics :

Membership in academic societies :


Member of the : Society for Conservation Biology (SCB), European Society for Ecological Economics (ESEE) & Society for Ecological Humanities (SEH)


Member of several working group:

  • IUCN : commission “Impact Mitigation and Ecological Compensation
  • Office Français pour la Biodiversité : GT Pogéis-inventaire des sites naturels ; GT ERC et continuités écologiques ; GT EnR et Biodiversité ; GT Agriculture et Mesures compensatoires
  • Ministère de l’Écologie : GT Sites Naturels de Compensation ; GT Méthodes de dimensionnement écologique
  • DREAL et Région Occitanie: GT CRERCO (Planification environnementale ; mesures agricoles compatibles avec la compensation écologiques ; Plans d’actions ERC)


Member of the scientific committee of the Regional Committee for Biodiversity (CRB) Occitania since 2018

Areas of interest and theoretical background

The general problematic that structures my research activities concerns the analysis of public, citizen and private forms of action, implemented in response to the ecological crisis to improve biodiversity conservation. Societies are facing more and more pressures and constraints of different natures: climate change, demographic pressure, biodiversity erosion, and conflicts of use. These constraints contribute to the complexity of the management and the organization of territories in space and time, and force actors to organize themselves to face them. It is the study of these responses of societies, carried by organizations, institutions and citizens, that motivates my research activity. This research strives to combine scientific excellence and transfer to the training of students and action with public and private decision-makers.

My research focuses on three main objectives: (1) to evaluate the conditions of effectiveness of environmental management systems, (2) to study alternative modes of action to improve environmental management, and (3) to develop methods and tools to support territorial actors in the implementation of the (agro)ecological transition. In response to these objectives, I ask questions about the governance of biodiversity, the roles of institutions and environmental non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the behaviors and strategies of actors, and the acceptability and preferences of citizens. I study both public actors (Occitanie region, metropolises), private actors (farmers, environmental consulting firms, offset banks), and citizens.

In order to answer these issues, I place my work in the sciences of sustainability, more precisely in the field of ecological economics (EE). The founding principles of EE support my research practice, in particular: the use of methodological pluralism, the recognition of a plurality of values (including intrinsic ones) attributed to nature, the support of decision-making, and the ambition to conduct inter- or even transdisciplinary research. This translates concretely in my research by: 1) an interdisciplinary approach to couple different frameworks of analysis in social sciences with ecological sciences, 2) the mobilization of a plurality of methods and tools to conduct both spatial, quantitative and qualitative analyses, and 3) the conduct of participatory approaches with territorial actors in the perspective of an action-oriented research.

Professional career and research activities

  • 2022-2023 : Researcher fellowship, UMR Ecologie, Systématique, Evolution (ESE) & UMR Territoire, Environnement, Teledetection (TETIS), CNRS, Paris-Saclay.

Scientific and administrative coordinator of the multidisciplinary research project " PÉPITE" funded by the French Foundation for Biodiversity Research (FRB) and the French Agency for Ecological Transition (ADEME). In this project, I will study the social preferences for ecological and landscape integration of linear transportation infrastructures (LTIs) at different territorial scales. The objective is to: (1) characterize the determinants of social demand for new uses and possible new environmental benefits resulting from better ecological integration of LTIs, and (2) study their role in the construction of better accepted and shared territory projects. I will test an innovative methodology emerging in the field of ecological economics to assess environmental preferences which is the deliberative choice experiment (DCE). 

Collaborators: AC. Vaissière (ESE), S. Roussel (CEEM), S. Luque, M. Lenormand, P. Maurel (TETIS), W. Wende (IOER), K. Elkalidi (UCD)


  • 2020-2021 : Researcher fellowship, UMRs Station d’Écologie Théorique et Expérimentale (SETE) & Centre d’Écologie Fonctionnelle et Évolutive (CEFE), CNRS, Montpellier and Moulis.

Scientific and administrative coordinator for the CEFE of the multidisciplinary research program "CONAQUAT" funded by the Région Occitanie. In this project, I assessed the application of environmental assessment procedures for development projects based on an empirical analysis of 25 applications files. I highlighted and quantified the gap between legal requirements and actual application, and I showed the potential contributions of ecological tools (environmental genetics and modeling) to improve the application of conservation policies.

Collaborators: S. Blanchet (UMR SETE), S. Manel, C. Miaud and S. Pioch (UMR CEFE), S. Moulhérat (Terroïko).


  • 2019 : Researcher fellowship, Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban Regional Development (IOER), Dresden & European Institute for Energy Research (EIFER), Karlsruhe, Germany.

Project funded by EIFER and the Universities of Paris-Saclay and Montpellier. In this project, I conducted an institutional analysis to reveal the impact of heterogeneous institutional frameworks on the diversity of biodiversity conservation practices. Based on empirical analysis, I conducted a large survey in 6 different Länder in Germany. 

Collaborators : W. Wende (IOER), A. Bas (EIFER), AC. Vaissière (CNRS, Paris-Saclay).


  • 2016–2018 : Researcher fellowship, Centre d’Économie de l’Environnement de Montpellier (UMR CEEM) & Laboratoire en Sciences et Technologies de l’Information Géographique (LaSTIG-IGN), Montpellier and Paris.

Scientific and administrative coordinator of the project "STRATEGE" funded by the Laboratoires d'Excellence (LabEx) CeMEB. In this project, I developed a methodology and a numerical and spatial tool (we called "SimUrba") to model and simulate urban dynamics and their impact on biodiversity conservation in time and in space according to 3 different development scenarios by 2040. The originality of this approach lay in the combination of 2 simulation models, one of urbanization and the other of species distribution modeling. This project has been integrated in the elaboration of the regional strategy for biodiversity conservation of the Occitanie region in support with the regional public decision-makers.

Collaborators : J. Perret, P. Chapron et M. Brasebin (LaSTIG-IGN), S. Moulhérat (Terroïko), JM. Salles (UMR CEEM).


  • 2012–2015 : Doctoral fellowship in Economics, UR Écodéveloppement & UMR IMBE, Université Avignon.

PhD funded by a ministerial grant and obtaining of funds from European Commission through the ERANET FP7 (RETHINK project) and from national donors (Observatoires Hommes-Milieux). Title: Economic analysis of the effectiveness of "no net loss" policies: biodiversity offsetting, a tool for reconciling economic interests and biodiversity conservation? Supervisors: Claude Napoléone (INRAE) and Thierry Dutoit (IMBE). 

Teaching responsabilities: 126h, Univ. Avignon, Licence 2, field: agricultural and environmental economics.

Thesis defended on Dec. 17, 2015 at the Univeristy of Avignon with highest honors. Jury : Sophie Thoyer (DR INRAE), Valérie Boisvert (PR Université Lausanne), John Thompson (DR CNRS), François Mesléard (PR Université Avignon), Philippe Puydarrieux (Ministère de l’Ecologie), Thierry Dutoit (DR CNRS) et Claude Napoleone (IR INRAE).

  • 2010–2012 : Research engineer, Centre d’Économie de l’Environnement Montpellier (CEEM, ex LAMETA) and Centre d’Écologie Fonctionnelle et Évolutive (CEFE)
  1. Researches carried out as part of the project "How much does the Camargue cost?" funded by the MAVA Foundation and the French Ministry of Ecology (under the program LITEAU2) :

-In this project, I first carried out an ex post economic evaluation of sectoral public policies (agricultural and environmental) in the Camargue reserve through cost-benefit analyses, including the monetary valuation of ecosystem services, in order to support the decisions of local actors for their future investments and territoiral projects. 

- Next, I conducted an evaluation of the effectiveness of a stakeholder consultation group set up to improve conflicts of use around water resource management in the Camargue reserve. I used and improved a participatory modeling method based on co-construction ("ARDI" method) to assess the possible social learning of such a system. Supervisors : Robert Lifran (UMR CEEM) and Raphaël Mathevet (UMR CEFE).

  1. Researches carried out as part of the project "Gestion Économique et Sociale des Sols (GESSol)" funded by ADEME and the French Ministry of Ecology. In support of local authorities, I developed in this project a spatial analysis and a socio-economic evaluationof the management of agricultural soils in order to limit the erosive risk on the scale of the Lèze river basin. Supervisor: Robert Lifran (UMR CEEM).

UFR G-ENV — AgroParisTech

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