Specialized Master FNS-MI

formation GEEFT

Specialized Master FNS-MI

Preservation and management of natural and forest ecosystems at the international level

In a context of ecological, social and economic tensions, the course specialises in the management of natural environments and ecosystems, with an accent on social and management sciences, and leads to the title of expert in strategy and negotiation for international ecosystem management.

panorama Myanmar FNS-MI
River landscape in the tropics, Myanmar. Photo : J. Vendé
Practical informations

Applications for the SpM are opened

See the box "Application" on the right

Fees and charges

Registration fees for 2023/2024 are distributed as follows according to the financing status :

- Employee or self-employed with training costs covered by a public or private funder: 11 700 euros
- Jobseeker with full coverage of training costs by a third party: 10 700 euros
- Other statuts : 9 700 euros

These registration fees include the return air ticket to French Guiana and participation in the Tropical Rainforest module (FTH).
In addition, there are travel expenses during the course (tours, modules and projects) and the final professional mission (either in France or abroad).

Teaching languages

The French and English.

Selection process

The selection process begins with an examination of the application by the recruitment panel.
A Master's degree, or an engineering degree, or a degree from a business school or university is required, or alternatively, an M1 followed by three years of professional experience.
It is also necessary to include in the file an official certificate of a level at least equal to B2 in English.
If the candidate is declared eligible, he/she is invited to an admission interview with a commission composed of teacher-researchers from the SpM FNS-MI. This interview takes place in Montpellier or, if the candidate is far away, by audiovisual means. Part of the interview is conducted in English.

Applicants for external funding must submit their application to the SpM FNS-MI early enough to allow the jury to make a decision within a timeframe compatible with the deadlines of their application for external funding.


In Kourou, accommodation is provided by AgroParisTech.
For the other training sites (Nancy, Palaiseau, Montpellier), AgroParisTech offers accommodation depending on the situation.

To find out more about other AgroParisTech Specialized Masters courses

Background and aims
General course description
Multidisciplinarity, core training and skills
Target groups
Educational strategy and course programme
Employment opportunities


Academic informations
Jérémy VENDÉ
Academic director of the SpM FNS-MI
jeremy.vende @ agroparistech.fr

Dr. Maya LEROY
Scientific director of the SpM FNS-MI
maya.leroy @ agroparistech.fr

Administratives informations
Guillaume MOROTTI
Course assistant
guillaume.morotti @ agroparistech.fr

Program Content

UFR G-ENV — AgroParisTech

Montpellier campus
648 rue Jean-François Breton
BP 44494
34093 Montpellier Cedex 5