Course objectives
- To acquire the basic concepts in sociology
- To learn to reflect on one's practices in the production of scientific data (data collection, processing and analysis) in the humanities
- Identify and combine the appropriate methods for dealing with different questions in the field of human sciences
- To be introduced to the practice of the semi-structured interview (design, execution, processing).
Course contents
- Introduction to sociology: questions in the human sciences; basic concepts, kinship and land control
- Introduction to epistemology: general principles of scientific data production
- Construction of a problematic: analysis of the order, theoretical framing, dimensions and fields of a study
- Survey techniques in the human sciences: survey cycle, combination of survey methods, semi-structured interviews
Teaching and learning methods
Indoor course
Application of the theoretical lessons through a collective field exercise comprising three days of surveys and four days of data analysis concluded by a written monographic report and an oral presentation to a jury
Course evaluation
Students are assessed on their ability to apply the methods in the field and on the quality of their written reports.
Target skills
Identify, combine, design and implement survey methods in sociology.
Module shared with the Master’s degree "Biodiversité, Écologie, Evolution" (BEE) University of Montpellier-AgroParisTech-Montpellier SupAgro-University of Poitiers.