Postgraduate Programs

The G-ENV team offers several training programmes at the Master of Science (MSc) and Specialised Master levels. The team also supervises doctoral students registered at AgroParisTech (ABIES and GAIA doctoral schools) and elsewhere, and organises or co-organises a series of doctoral modules. G-ENV also offers a number of modules open to short continuing education and two institutional certificates.
Educational guidelines
The pedagogical orientations are explicitly based on :
  • training through research, even for students with a non academic professional project,
  • a strong field orientation, mainly in the international arena (Africa, Latin America, Asia).
The curricula organized by the G-ENV team deal with environmental management:
  • through interdisciplinary approaches that combine environmental sciences skills with management science skills
  • within the management sciences through different aspects of the discipline: strategy and strategic management, international management, management systems and instruments, critical approaches to management and altermanagement, accounting, negotiation, evaluation of management systems and public policies, analysis of environmental management doctrines.
In addition to the courses, programs mobilise teaching methods that make extensive use of project approaches, including various interdisciplinary approaches to the environment (collective field diagnoses, role-playing), and management approaches (strategic cases, development of prospective scenarios).

GEEFT MSc (and MIng) 'Environmental Management of Tropical Ecosystems and Forests', with the Erasmus + European excellence label, open to students from :
  • the international MSc  in Science and technology of agriculture, food and the environment (3A/ST2AE) co-accredited with Montpellier Institu Agro,
  • the European MSc 'Global forestry' (Glofor),
  • AgroParisTech (engineer curriculum),
  • other French Schools of agronomy,
  • the Higher National School of Wood Technologies and Industry (ENSTIB).
BioGET MSc 'Plant biodiversity and management of tropical ecosystems', co-accredited with the University of Montpellier.
Specialized masters (post-MSc)
  • Specialized Master 'Forest, Nature and Society - International Management' (FNS-MI SpM), in collaboration with HEC Paris
  • Specialized Master "Public Policies and Strategies for the Environment" (PPSE_SpM).
Doctoral training is carried out in two ways:
  • supervision (co-supervision, scientific supervision, administrative supervision) by a member of the G-ENV team who is a member of the thesis committee or not. Doctoral students are generally registered at AgroParisTech (ABIES and GAIA doctoral schools)
  • enrolment in the doctoral modules run by the G-ENV team. Registration: GAIA.
Life-long training
A certain number of teaching modules linked to the GEEFT MSc and FNS-MI SpM curricula are open as short continuing education programmes. Two types of certificates recognised by the institution are also offered. More information here
(in French only).

UFR G-ENV — AgroParisTech

Montpellier campus
648 rue Jean-François Breton
BP 44494
34093 Montpellier Cedex 5