Anthropology of development

Course objectives

Since the 1970’s, development (its principles, its modes of action, its achievements) has been subjected to many criticisms. In some cases they have led to the development of new approaches in the field of development itself. They have led, for example, to the implementation of participatory approaches that tend to standardise, whether in project, programme or policy approaches, sustainable development in particular. The objective of this course is twofold, on the one hand to be aware of these tools and devices, and to understand their uses and limitations, and on the other hand to have the capacity for critical analysis of these modes of intervention by implementing the work in the anthropology of development. We will then prioritise the approach by the entanglement of social logic as formalised by Olivier de Sardan.

Course contents

After a presentation of the field of the anthropology of development, we will return to the various themes explored which show the many ways of how to get to grips with the social and political issues of development and environmental management operations: public action by countries "under the aid regime", access to land, participatory approaches, technical innovation, development brokers, etc...


  • Participation and development – semantic clarification and historical perspective.
  • The current state of the play and participatory methods of development aid: new standards, the role of funding bodies and NGOs in spreading these methodologies and devices.
  • Participatory tools for planning and managing projects and programs (ACL, PPO, GCP, GAR...).
  • Participatory methods in the field (FRAM, RRA, SARAR).
  • The challenges of evaluating participatory approaches and projects.

Teaching and learning methods

Lectures, partially in English. A research Seminar with many case studies in an international context.

Reading matter and books underpinning the lectures.

Course evaluation

Individual written evaluation on the basis of scientific articles or individual essays with documentation as well as based upon professional experience.

Target skills

Understanding of how to mobilise Strategic Environmental Management Analysis (SEMA) in the context of action in developing countries.


This course allows preparation for the collective mission proposed in the training and individual internships and/or professional experiences for the participants.



UFR G-ENV — AgroParisTech

Montpellier campus
648 rue Jean-François Breton
BP 44494
34093 Montpellier Cedex 5