Course objectives
The overall goal of the course is to make future forest managers aware of forest policy issues which they may have to deal with in the course of their careers. All relevant data on the current debates is provided, in order to encourage students to question topical problems.
Course contents
The course specify how economic choices can be sustained by political considerations or social organisation. The historical development of forest policies in the world is presented first, notably that of policies which combat deforestation and support national timber industries. Policy evaluation techniques are introduced, and applied to reforestation strategies, as well as to the debate surrounding ecocertification. The role of international development agencies and funding agencies is presented, and linked to the processes currently being formulated for new policies in developing countries. Finally, new modes of governance and the development of participation are discussed, and the mechanisms of dependence of prevalent forest policies made in the northern hemisphere or in international forums.
Teaching and learning methods
Lectures. Course materials, as well as a collection of articles and bibliographic references, are distributed during the course (24h in total).
Course evaluation
An individual evaluation is carried out during the module, based on participation and practical exercises. An individual examination is also scheduled that can be combined with the one on forest economics.
Target skills
Understanding of forest policies applied and their evolution in the context of globalisation; ability to reason forestry policy choices in terms of their economic, fiscal, development and forest conservation impacts.