Course objectives
To provide students with the basics of the economics of forest ecosystems. More precisely, the aim is to provide the theoretical bases of environmental economics (value, externalities, public goods); to insist on the historical evolution of these instruments and their application in particular tropical forest ecosystems (dry forests, humid forests, mangroves). The operational nature of this module will be emphasized through case studies carried out by the lecturers themselves.
Course contents
The courses will seek to provide the basics of the concepts and tools for application in the economics of tropical ecosystems. On the one hand, attention will be given to the main concepts such as total economic value, ecosystem services, public goods, etc. On the other hand, the course will focus on the different ways of approaching them in terms of the different approaches to economic analysis of tropical ecosystems. It will also be necessary to understand the different ways of approaching them with regard to the different approaches to environmental economic analysis (standard economics vs. ecological economics, for example). The more historical approach will also allow us to put into perspective the recent developments that have led to international initiatives such as The Economics on Ecosystem and Biodiversity ( These initiatives encourage an economic approach to ecosystem management, whether at the level of (inter)national policies or at the level of development projects; whether it is a question of evaluating the costs of inaction or promoting payments for ecosystem services (PES). However, after noting that these assessment methods have been implemented mainly in Western countries, it will be necessary to show how adaptations are necessary in tropical forest areas, particularly in low-income countries. Case studies in Madagascar (Mikea forest, tapia forest in Arivonimamo) will illustrate these remarks by attempting to place the student in a real situation (multi-criteria evaluation on Excel software). Other case studies will be proposed such as the economic analysis of forest uses in Cameroon or the analysis of land degradation and desertification in Sahelian Africa. The module will also address the evaluation of ecosystem services in mangrove areas.
Teaching and learning methods
Courses in the form of 3-hour blocks alternating analysis of concepts and theories and case studies. Intervention of specialists.
Course evaluation
Individual examination.
Target skills
Understand the economic language adopted by the actors in the management of tropical ecosystems (NGOs, donors, experts, administration...); know how to decipher its characteristics, issues and limits. Learn about economic calculation.
Module shared with the MSc program "Biodiversité, Écologie, Evolution" (BEE) University of Montpellier-AgroParisTech-Montpellier SupAgro-University of Poitiers