Forest Policy

Course objectives

This module is aimed at students with little knowledge of current forestry policies in Europe and internationally. It aims to provide them with a basic knowledge of the main issues and tools of forestry policy, taking into account current and past debates and regulations on forests in France, Europe and the world.

Course contents

  • Presentations of the main tools for preserving biodiversity at the European level and their impact on forest areas and forestry policies, particularly in France
  • Presentation of forest policy tools in France, Europe and internationally aimed at preserving biodiversity and combating illegal timber and deforestation (European Union Common Forest Policy, FLEGT, REDD+, Certification, etc.)
  • Introduction to the main approaches and theories of public decision-making and the construction and evaluation of public policies, for example around the issue of citizen participation
  • The role of NGOs and local populations in these frameworks.

Teaching and learning methods

Seminars (40 hours in total), personal readings and students' presentations. Part of the teaching and reading is done in English.


Group presentations

Competences acquired

To acquire a basic knowledge of European and international policies on forestry issues and the challenges they seek to address.

UFR G-ENV — AgroParisTech

Montpellier campus
648 rue Jean-François Breton
BP 44494
34093 Montpellier Cedex 5