Scientific communication / Research planning

Course objectives

This module prepares students to the design, planning and implementation of a research project in general. The academic training is applied to the building of the student’s individual thesis project (module MSc Thesis). Such preparation is all the more important since thesis projects are generally conducted at third-party legal entities, and since they include fieldwork, preferably in the tropics.

Course contents

This module requires students to prepare and defend:

  • A literature-based, group analysis of a topic in tropical forest ecology (not necessarily related to the thesis project)
  • An individual plan for the research that the student will undertake during the thesis dissertation phase. The plan must incorporate a literature review, a clear statement of hypotheses or questions to be addressed, an outline of the methods to be used, output expectations, a risk analysis, a realistic timetable, and elements of logistical organization. The review is expected to contain a critical appraisal of the assembled material.

Teaching and learning methods

  • About 15 hours mixing lectures, practical work, and staff tutorship, advice and consultation.
  • About 25 hours of personal work
  • Group and individual defences: 1-2 hours per student and deliverable.


  • The written report is evaluated by one to two academics (including the academic thesis supervisor).
  • The oral defence is evaluated by a board of academics and external experts.

Competences acquired

Students will be able to

  • collect, critically evaluate, synthesise and report on information on an agreed topic to an agreed standard
  • generate hypotheses or questions that can be tested in a scientific experiment or other form of investigation
  • build a realistic timetable and identify valuable scientific and operational outputs of a research project

UFR G-ENV — AgroParisTech

Montpellier campus
648 rue Jean-François Breton
BP 44494
34093 Montpellier Cedex 5