
Course objectives

Acquisition of the knowledge and methods for analysing, evaluating and improving agroforestry systems and developing the integration of tree in cropping, farming and agrarian systems.

Course contents

  • Introduction: definition, issues, examples.
  • Classification of agroforestry systems and presentation of some examples in contrasting agroecological conditions (dry and wet land, densely populated area, forested area).
  • Socio-economic basics for the analysis and social assessment of agroforestry, from plot, farm and up to regional scale.
  • The question of land tenure: modes of land appropriation, trees and agroforestry products.
  • Agro-eco-physiology basics for the analysis and agronomical assessment of trees-annual plants combinations or breeding.
  • Presentation and a visit to tree introduction test sites in cropping systems of Southeastern France.

Teaching and learning methods

Lectures, case studies, field visits, collective work and oral presentations, bibliography (24h in total).

Course evaluation

Individual work of socio-economic analysis of an agroforestry system.

Target skills

The ability to analyse an agroforestry system in all its dimensions and to reflect upon agroforestry innovation.


Module shared with the Master’s degree "Biodiversité, Écologie, Evolution" (BEE) University of Montpellier-AgroParisTech-Montpellier SupAgro-University of Poitiers.


UFR G-ENV — AgroParisTech

Montpellier campus
648 rue Jean-François Breton
BP 44494
34093 Montpellier Cedex 5