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Shrubs and trees to enhance agroecosystem productivity and counter land degradation in semi-arid West Africa (poster 2.053)

Félix, G. F.; Hien, E.; Lahmar, R.; Douzet, J. -M.; Saunier-Zoltobroda, T.; Founoune-Mboup, H.; Ndour, Y.; Niang, D.; Séguis, L.; Gautier, D.; Zongo, E.; Manlay, R. J.; Barthès, B. G.; Clermont-Dauphin, C.; Attané, A.; Masse, D.; Belem, M.; Groot, J. C. J.; Scholberg, J. M. S.; Titonell, P.; Cournac, L.
Type of Publication:
In Proceedings
Book title:
5th International EcoSummit - Ecological Sustainability: Engineering Change
Hits: 4657

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