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Nature policies and environmental NGO strategies

Courses objectives

The overall objective of the course is to provide participants with the basic knowledge necessary to understand international ecopolitics: international environmental agreements and commitments and their implementation in the context of the southern hemisphere; key figures in the international scene and the role of funding bodies and the strategies of environmental NGOs; Standards and instruments they tend to disseminate and the main underlying paradigms.

Course contents

Presentation of the main paradigms and trains of thought necessary for the understanding of environmental policies and the tools used both at international level and in the context of the southern hemisphere. Presentation of key figures in the international arena: development agencies and the logic of funding bodies, development and environmental NGOs.
The modelling of behaviours in the international scene with regard to environmental issues developed by management science, political science, political sociology and international ecopolitics: regimes and consensus, the behaviour of states, neo-institutional approaches and local empowerment, approach by payments for environmental services (PES), globalisation and development of codes of conduct and standards, strong sustainability approaches and different currents.
The environmental policies analysed concentrate particularly on nature policies (protected areas, biodiversity, and decentralised management of ecosystems...) in the context of the southern hemisphere. The strategies of environmental NGOs are at the heart of the analysis and various intervention strategies developed by them will be presented (CI, IUCN, WWF, Greenpeace), in particular in an international context and in tropical areas.

Teaching and learning methods

The course is complemented by numerous professional conferences, especially by ENGOs, who are involved in negotiations and actions on the international ecopolitical stage.
A handout containing articles, book chapters and bibliographic references is provided in addition to related documents and course materials.

Course evaluation

  • Individual written assessment: individual essay with documentation (3 h).

Target skills

Understanding of international ecopolitics and the ability to understand its mechanisms and issues.

Course Coordinator(s)

Dr. LEROY Maya
Lecturer in management sciences
maya.leroy @

Additional Info

  • Training delivering this course: MSc GEEFT, MSc BioGET, MSc GloFor, SM FNS-MI, Doctoral module, Short-term course
  • Field of study: Humanities
  • Learning place(s): Montpellier
  • Requirements:


  • Calendar-Duration:

    Course of 25H in January

  • Keywords:

    international ecopolitics; international environmental conventions; sustainable development; financial institutions; ENGO strategies; strategic environmental management